Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Three great resources for Gardening

Hi girls,

 I thought I would pass on to you three of my favorite gardening resources:

1.  Pat Welsh's "Southern California Gardening - A Month-by-Month Guide" book

2.  Garden Compass radio show broadcasts every Sat. and Sun. mornings 8-10 a.m.  on 1700 AM.  You can also receive a live stream on your computer at www.sandiego1700.com
Old shows can be listened to as well.  Just google "Garden Compass" and there is a host of information there as well as resources.  

3.  Cedros Gardens:  330 South Cedros in Solana Beach, 92075.  They have a bunch of organic stuff and fabulous classes on-going most Sat.  I'm going to be attending a tomato class Mar 21, a herb container class, Mar 28, a summer veg. gardening class April 11 and a tree planting class April 25.  If anyone wants to join me.  These are all free.  Check out their website by googling Cedros Gardens.  

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